Announcing the 2014/2015 SCMEA Advocacy Video Contest
Music Makes Me ...
The Long Island Violin Shop is proud to support SCMEA's Advocacy Video Contest for 2014-2015. This is a great opportunity for teachers and students to let the world know how important music education is in your school. Winning videos will be played at the All-County Concerts in March. Your video may also be posted to the SCMEA Advocacy Page, the SCMEA Facebook page, and the SCMEA YouTube page.
Get involved by advocating to preserve quality music programs in our Suffolk County Schools. Your creativity and effort will bring a unique perspective of why music is important to you and your students.
This year, we are coordinating our theme with the NAfME Music in Our Schools Month initiative. This will permit the video to be considered for NAfME activities. Your video should answer the following:
"Music makes me_________!"
Whether you personally participate or simply facilitate your students with their own project, we welcome and encourage submissions from your program. Please use our Advocacy Video Contest as a way to get your entire school community on board with the idea that music education is a critical part of the overall academic program.
**There are Helpful Links on the application for those new to creating digital media.
The deadline to submit the application and video is Monday, February 23, 2015.
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