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LIVS Workshop Associate Samantha Kadisch Attends Bow Restoration Workshop At Oberlin College

LIVS Workshop Associate Samantha Kadisch Attends Bow Restoration Workshop At Oberlin College

Samantha_Kadisch_2-1Our resident bow specialist Samantha Kadisch recently took part in the Bow Restoration Workshop at Oberlin College from June 29th - July 3rd. Under the tutelage of Bow Maker David Orlin (Ann Arbor, MI), Sam focused on the art of rehairing, as well as other areas of practical experience that she brings back to the shop in support of our customers.

"In becoming a bow specialist, I aim to provide the utmost quality for our customers. A great rehair can transform and ordinary bow into an extraordinary one. Attending this workshop allowed me to broaden my knowledge of, and skills in repairing violins and bows."

The Bow Restoration Workshop provided an open environment to learn. It felt very comfortable to Samantha, like she was working at the LIVS bench. She met some wonderful people and made some lasting friendships in addition to coming away with a new understanding and nuanced appreciation for some of the more technical aspects of bow repairs and rehairs.

Sam has been diligently studying all aspects of the bow for several years, reading books and articles, and squeezing in a much hands on time as possible. She is a great asset to the shop, and to all of our LIVS customers who rely on us to care for their bows.

"I love my job and have made a commitment to our music community. I will play my part to help other musicians grow by continuously learning, and striving to provide the best service possible."


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