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Everything You Need to Know to Make an At-Home Performing Arts Studio - By Derek Cannon

Everything You Need to Know to Make an At-Home Performing Arts Studio - By Derek Cannon

Have you always wanted to record an album or get music videos online? Maybe you're a hopeful podcaster with dreams of creating the next Serial or Welcome to Night Vale. There are tons of ways to get your creative work into people's homes through digital means. If you want your work to feel polished and professional, however, you need a great recording space.

Here's how to make a studio in your own home. 

Where to Put It 

You can set your studio up in many parts of your home. 

  • You can put your studio in a spare bedroom, but consider putting up dividers so you can tuck things away when guests are over. 
  • A large unused closet can make for the perfect space, but you may need to install wiring
  • Setting up in an existing office or multipurpose room will often make the most sense. 
  • Setting your studio up in an unused room can make your home look more appealing on listings, boosting your property value down the road. 

Furnishing Your Space 

Make sure your studio has all the furniture you need to create and perform comfortably. 

Necessary Gear 

Your equipment can make or break your recording process. 

We hope these resources will be helpful as you set up your in-home studio. Recording is a great way to get your work out in front of audiences and boost your career. Even if you're just starting out, you can use a good recording to evaluate your progress and find ways to improve. Make the most of your space, and you'll be glad you put in the work! 


Photo Credit: Pexels

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